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Which paint to use when painting your home?

If you're thinking about re-decorating a common question which gets asked is, "which paint to use and where to buy it". We cover which types of paint to use, in which circumstances and the types of paint "we feel" is the best brand for that application.

So if you're looking for paint, that will look great and last, then let us give you a guide to what we feel are the best performing paints and the best places to buy them.

Painted living room

One thing to mention before we get into which paints we are recommending, it is important to know we are recommending these paints to a home DIY'er. A professional can and will use different paints in certain circumstances and already know which paints to use, which is why we write this based on the DIY decorator.


Where to buy the paint?

So you're almost ready to paint your walls and ceilings and you know which colour you want to use. So where do you get the paint? All paint is similar anyway isn't it? Not exactly!

The first thing we would recommend is to use a trade paint. But you're a DIY'er. How can you use a trade paint. The interesting thing is a trade paint centre can see as many private customers as trade professionals so don't let this put you off visiting the trade stores. It's also a great place for advice as the staff are trained in the reduced amount of specialised products they have on offer. So how do you find a trade centre to buy the paint? There are a few nationwide companies you can try which should have a store local to your home. If you search for your local Dulux, Johnstone's or Brewer's decorating store, you shouldn't have to travel too far.

Walls and Ceilings

So now you know where to buy the paint which paint should you buy? Here are some options:

All of the above will leave a great finish which any DIY enthusiast will be more than happy with the results.

Lots of different paint

Which Paint for Shower and Bathrooms?

Although you can use most trade paints in a bathroom we recommend going for a tougher more wipe resistant paint. Something like:

Which Paint for Doors and Skirting?

Unfortunately this is where things get interesting for the DIY enthusiasts. The problem faced is that modern water based paints for wood will NOT paint over older oil based paints. Therefore you either use an older style oil based paint or use a more modern process like we mention below. If you don't follow the below advice and try to paint your skirting boards with water based over oil based paint. You will find the paint bubbles on the surface and does not adhere to the paint below.

The new method for water based painting of wood, over existing paint.

Why Use Trade Paint when Painting Your Home?

With all the above said the question is still "what benefit will trade paint give me"? The answer is quite straight forward. For the same cost the paint will be easier to apply, cover better, require less coats, last longer and generally make the entire decorating experience more enjoyable and easier which is what we all dream of.

We hope the above helps to answer some of the questions you have before painting your home and if you do still need any advice, then contact us and we'll be happy to help.

Finish painted room


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